Here we evaluate statistical methods for detecting difference between two sample correlation matricies. Let C1 be correlation between a set of features in the dataset Y1 with N1 samples, and let C2 be correlation in dataset Y2 with N2 samples. Alternatively, let Y be the combined dataset of the subsets indicated by categorical variable.

Statistical methods

Method properties

Simulation 1

Estimate false positive rate under the null.

Simulation results are shown comparing correlation matricies for p features for N samples. Most methods are only applicable to positive definite matricies corresponding to N > p. Only Mann-Whitney, sLED, Delaneau and deltaSLE are applicable dataset with N > p, so the remaing methods do not give results simulations in this case (i.e. top right of figures).

To determine control of the false positive rate, 5000 simulations were performed under the null model of no difference between correlation structure in the two datasets (i.e. C1 == C2).

Note that x-axis stops at 0.2, but often the false positive rate of the Factor and Jennich methods exceed this value.

Simulation 2

In group 1, all pairwise correlations are 0.80 and in group 2 all pairwise correlations are 0.75.

To test the power of each method, 1000 null simulations were performed in addition to 1000 simulations with different correlation structure (i.e.C1 != C2).

Performance based on Area Under the Precision Recall (AURP) curve

Precision Recall curves

Simulation 3

In group 1, all pairwise correlations are 0.80 and in group 2 half of the pairwise correlations are set to 0.75 and the rest remain at 0.80. This followed by a small correction to make matrix positive definite.

To test the power of each method, 1000 null simulations were performed in addition to 1000 simulations with different correlation structure (i.e.C1 != C2).

Performance based on Area Under the Precision Recall (AURP) curve