Data is available from Synapse


  error = FALSE,
  tidy = FALSE,
  cache = TRUE,
  cache.lazy = FALSE,
  dev = c("png", "pdf"), 
  fig.width=7, fig.height=7)

options(markdown.HTML.stylesheet = 'css/custom.css')
register(SnowParam(8, "SOCK", progressbar=TRUE))
# login once and then save info
# synLogin("", "password", rememberMe=TRUE)
## Welcome, Gabriel Hoffman!
# load gene locations
# this is ENSEMBL v75 from the hg19 assembly
# but other versions and assemblies are available
## Loading required package: ensembldb
## Loading required package: GenomicFeatures
## Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
## Loading required package: AnnotationFilter
## Attaching package: 'ensembldb'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter

Download data

# metadata
metadata = fread( synGet('syn5691351')$path )

metadata$CellType = factor( metadata$CellType, c('NeuN-', 'NeuN+'))
# metadata = metadata[HistoneMark=='H3K27ac',]
metadata$name = gsub("^HBCC_", '', metadata$Sample_ID)
metadata = data.frame(metadata)
rownames(metadata) = metadata$name 

metadata_clinical = fread( synGet('syn5691350')$path )

metadata = merge(metadata, metadata_clinical, by="Individual_ID")
rownames(metadata) = gsub("HBCC_", "", metadata$Sample_ID)

# filter to retain only DLPFC samples
idx = metadata$BrainRegion == "DLPFC"
metadata = metadata[idx,]

replaceName = function( name){
  name = gsub("B$", "NeuN-", name)
  name = gsub("D$", "NeuN-", name)
  name = gsub("A$", "NeuN+", name)
  name = gsub("C$", "NeuN+", name)

processData = function(synid_counts, synid_peaks, prefix){
  # chip-Seq counts
  chipCounts = read.table( synGet(synid_counts)$path, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep=',', row.names=1)
  rownames(chipCounts) = paste0( rownames(chipCounts), '_', prefix)
  # peak locations
  peakLocs = readBed( synGet(synid_peaks)$path )
  names(peakLocs) =  paste0("peak_", 1:length(peakLocs), "_", prefix)

  # get overlapping peaks
  isect = intersect( rownames(chipCounts), names(peakLocs))
  chipCounts = chipCounts[rownames(chipCounts) %in% isect,]
  peakLocs = peakLocs[names(peakLocs) %in% isect ]
  identical(rownames(chipCounts), names(peakLocs))

  # get overlapping samples
  isect = intersect(colnames(chipCounts), metadata$name)
  chipCounts = chipCounts[,colnames(chipCounts) %in% isect]
  # metadata = metadata[metadata$name %in% isect,]

  colnames(chipCounts) = replaceName( colnames(chipCounts) )

  # match order
  # idx = match( metadata$name, colnames(chipCounts))
  # # metadata = metadata[idx,]
  # chipCounts = chipCounts[,idx]
  # identical(colnames(chipCounts), metadata$name)

  return(list(chipCounts = chipCounts, peakLocs = peakLocs))

# H3K27ac
data_H3K27ac = processData('syn8078978', 'syn8080422', "H3K27AC")

# H3K4ME3
data_H3K4ME3 = processData('syn8078923', 'syn8078929', 'H3K4ME3')

count = table(c(colnames(data_H3K27ac$chipCounts), colnames(data_H3K4ME3$chipCounts)))

ids = names(count[count==2])

# Combine
chipCounts = rbind(data_H3K27ac$chipCounts[,ids], data_H3K4ME3$chipCounts[,ids])

peakLocs = c(data_H3K27ac$peakLocs, data_H3K4ME3$peakLocs)

ord = order(peakLocs)
chipCounts = chipCounts[ord,]
peakLocs = peakLocs[ord]

# change row names of metadata to use NeuN+/-
metadata$name = replaceName( metadata$name )
idx = match(colnames(chipCounts), metadata$name)
metadata = metadata[idx,]
rownames(metadata) = replaceName( rownames(metadata) )

# only keep autosomes
idx = which(seqnames(peakLocs) %in% paste0("chr", 1:22))
chipCounts = chipCounts[idx,]
peakLocs = keepSeqlevels(peakLocs[idx], paste0("chr", 1:22))

Process counts

isexpr = rowSums(cpm(chipCounts)>1) >= 0.1*ncol(chipCounts)
peakLocs2 = peakLocs[which(isexpr)]

# Standard usage of limma/voom
countObj = DGEList( chipCounts[isexpr,] )
countObj = calcNormFactors( countObj )
design = model.matrix( ~ CellType, metadata)
vobj = voom( countObj, design, plot=TRUE)

# identical(names(peakLocs2), rownames(vobj))

PCA on normalized ChIP-seeq

# PCA on original, mean centered data
fit = lmFit(vobj, model.matrix( ~ 1, metadata))
dcmp = svd(residuals(fit, vobj), nv=5, nu=0) 
frac = dcmp$d^2 / sum(dcmp$d^2) * 100
xlab = paste0('PC1: ', round(frac[1], 1), '%')
ylab = paste0('PC2: ', round(frac[2], 1), '%')
df_pca = data.frame(PC1 = dcmp$v[,1], PC2=dcmp$v[,2], cellType=metadata$CellType)
ggplot(df_pca, aes(PC1, PC2, color=cellType)) + geom_point() + theme_bw(17) + theme(aspect.ratio=1, plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + scale_color_manual(values=c("gold", "blue")) + ggtitle("Original data") + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab)

# compute PC's after residualizing for CellType
fit = lmFit(vobj, model.matrix( ~ CellType, metadata))
dcmp = svd(residuals(fit, vobj), nv=5, nu=0) 

# dsgn = model.matrix( ~ dcmp$v[,1:2], metadata)
dsgn = model.matrix( ~ CellType + Sex + dcmp$v[,1:5] , metadata)
fitPC = lmFit(vobj, dsgn)
fitPC = eBayes(fitPC)
# table(topTable(fitPC, coef='CellTypeNeuN+', number=Inf)$adj.P.Val < 0.05)

quantResid = residuals( fitPC, vobj )

dcmp = svd(quantResid, nv=5, nu=0) 
frac = dcmp$d^2 / sum(dcmp$d^2) * 100
xlab = paste0('PC1: ', round(frac[1], 1), '%')
ylab = paste0('PC2: ', round(frac[2], 1), '%')
df_pca2 = data.frame(PC1 = dcmp$v[,1], PC2=dcmp$v[,2], cellType=metadata$CellType)
ggplot(df_pca2, aes(PC1, PC2, color=cellType)) + geom_point() + theme_bw(17) + theme(aspect.ratio=1, plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + scale_color_manual(values=c("gold", "blue")) + ggtitle("Residuals") + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab)

Learn local correlation structure

# Compute correlation and hierarchical clustering on controls
treeList = runOrderedClusteringGenome( quantResid, peakLocs2, method.corr="spearman", quiet=TRUE )   
Evaluating: chr1           
Evaluating: chr2           
Evaluating: chr3           
Evaluating: chr4           
Evaluating: chr5           
Evaluating: chr6           
Evaluating: chr7           
Evaluating: chr8           
Evaluating: chr9           
Evaluating: chr10           
Evaluating: chr11           
Evaluating: chr12           
Evaluating: chr13           
Evaluating: chr14           
Evaluating: chr15           
Evaluating: chr16           
Evaluating: chr17           
Evaluating: chr18           
Evaluating: chr19           
Evaluating: chr20           
Evaluating: chr21           
Evaluating: chr22

Evaluate correlation structure versus distance

Original data

# decay in original data
treeListOriginal = runOrderedClusteringGenome( vobj$E, peakLocs2, method.corr="spearman", quiet=TRUE ) 
Evaluating: chr1           
Evaluating: chr2           
Evaluating: chr3           
Evaluating: chr4           
Evaluating: chr5           
Evaluating: chr6           
Evaluating: chr7           
Evaluating: chr8           
Evaluating: chr9           
Evaluating: chr10           
Evaluating: chr11           
Evaluating: chr12           
Evaluating: chr13           
Evaluating: chr14           
Evaluating: chr15           
Evaluating: chr16           
Evaluating: chr17           
Evaluating: chr18           
Evaluating: chr19           
Evaluating: chr20           
Evaluating: chr21           
Evaluating: chr22
dfDistOriginal = evaluateCorrDecay( treeListOriginal, peakLocs2, "chr1", verbose=FALSE )
plotCorrDecay( dfDistOriginal, method="Rsq", xlim=c(500, 1e6) )

Residual data

Notice much lower correlation between distant features after residualizing

# decay in residuals
dfDist = evaluateCorrDecay( treeList, peakLocs2, "chr1", verbose=FALSE )
plotCorrDecay( dfDist, method="Rsq", xlim=c(500, 1e6)  )

Create clusters and measure strength of correlation structure in each cluster

treeListClusters = createClusters( treeList, method='meanClusterSize', meanClusterSize=c( 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200) )
## Method: meanClusterSize
# get total number of clusters
n_clusters = countClusters( treeListClusters )

# score each cluster to only retain  
# clusters with strong correlation structure
clstScore = scoreClusters(treeList, treeListClusters )
## Evaluating strength of each cluster...
## Dividing work into 154 chunks...


df_LEF = lapply(clstScore, function(x){
 with(x, data.frame(id, N, chrom, cluster, LEF))
df_LEF ='rbind', df_LEF )
df_LEF$id = factor(df_LEF$id, sort(unique(df_LEF$id)))

ggplot(df_LEF, aes(LEF, color=id)) + geom_density() + theme_bw(17) + theme(aspect.ratio=1) + xlim(0,1)

LEF values under null using permutation

# Evaluate LEF when features are permuted
clustScoreNull = runPermutedData(vobj$E, peakLocs2, method.corr="spearman",  meanClusterSize=c( 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200) ) 
Evaluating: chr1           
Evaluating: chr2           
Evaluating: chr3           
Evaluating: chr4           
Evaluating: chr5           
Evaluating: chr6           
Evaluating: chr7           
Evaluating: chr8           
Evaluating: chr9           
Evaluating: chr10           
Evaluating: chr11           
Evaluating: chr12           
Evaluating: chr13           
Evaluating: chr14           
Evaluating: chr15           
Evaluating: chr16           
Evaluating: chr17           
Evaluating: chr18           
Evaluating: chr19           
Evaluating: chr20           
Evaluating: chr21           
Evaluating: chr22           
## Method: meanClusterSize 
## Evaluating strength of each cluster...
## Dividing work into 154 chunks...
df_LEF ="rbind", clustScoreNull$clusterScores)
df_LEF$id = factor(df_LEF$id, sort(unique(df_LEF$id)))
ggplot(df_LEF, aes(LEF, color=id)) + geom_density() + theme_bw(17) + theme(aspect.ratio=1) + ggtitle("LEF for permuted data")

Filter clusters based on strength of correlation

# retain clusters based on filterign criteria
# If lead eigen value fraction (LEF) > 40% then ke/ep clusters
# LEF is the fraction of variance explained by the first eigen-value
clustInclude = retainClusters( clstScore, "LEF", 0.05 )
## Using cutoffs:
## Cluster set  cutoff
##  10      0.05
##  20      0.05
##  30      0.05
##  40      0.05
##  50      0.05
##  100     0.05
##  200     0.05
# get retained clusters  
treeListClusters_filter = filterClusters( treeListClusters, clustInclude )

# Collapse similar clusters
treeListClusters_collapse = collapseClusters( treeListClusters_filter, peakLocs2 )    
## Identifying redundant clusters...

Test differential correlation signal

# get total number of clusters
n_clusters = countClusters( treeListClusters_collapse )

# Evaluate Differential Correlation between two subsets of data
ecdBox = evalDiffCorr( quantResid, metadata$CellType, peakLocs2, treeListClusters_collapse, method="Box.permute", method.corr="spearman" )
## Note that clusters of 2 or fewer features are omitted from analysis
## # Clusters: 17720 
## Dividing work into 100 chunks...
## Combining results...
# Apply deltaSLE test
# ecdSLE = evalDiffCorr( quantResid, metadata$CellType, peakLocs2, treeListClusters_collapse, method="deltaSLE", method.corr="spearman" )

# get summary of results
df = summary( ecdBox )
# print results
##   id chrom cluster       pValue       stat n.perm     p.adjust
## 1 10 chr20     277 5.990694e-09   5.527021      0 6.039219e-05
## 2 10 chr10      42 6.638198e-08   6.368878      0 3.345984e-04
## 3 10  chr2     518 2.523406e-07  -3.500187      0 8.479484e-04
## 4 10 chr11      49 8.732245e-07   3.945022      0 2.038629e-03
## 5 20  chr6     387 1.011124e-06 -14.442468      0 2.038629e-03
## 6 10 chr13      60 1.254119e-06   5.486114      0 2.107129e-03
##   id chrom cluster       pValue       stat n.perm     p.adjust
## 1 10 chr20     277 5.990694e-09   5.527021      0 6.039219e-05
## 2 10 chr10      42 6.638198e-08   6.368878      0 3.345984e-04
## 3 10  chr2     518 2.523406e-07  -3.500187      0 8.479484e-04
## 4 10 chr11      49 8.732245e-07   3.945022      0 2.038629e-03
## 5 20  chr6     387 1.011124e-06 -14.442468      0 2.038629e-03
## 6 10 chr13      60 1.254119e-06   5.486114      0 2.107129e-03

Combine results to merge properties of each cluster into a single data.frame

df_results = combineResults( ecdBox, clstScore, treeListClusters_collapse, peakLocs2)
## Summarizing analysis...
## Summarizing cluster properties...
## Collecting cluster locations...
## Summarizing each cluster...
## Merging results...
ids = unique(df_results$id)
df_results$id = factor(df_results$id, ids[order(as.numeric(ids))])
##   id chrom cluster       pValue       stat n.perm     p.adjust  N
## 1 10 chr20     277 5.990694e-09   5.527021      0 6.039219e-05  4
## 2 10 chr10      42 6.638198e-08   6.368878      0 3.345984e-04  5
## 3 10  chr2     518 2.523406e-07  -3.500187      0 8.479484e-04 11
## 4 10 chr11      49 8.732245e-07   3.945022      0 2.038629e-03  3
## 5 20  chr6     387 1.011124e-06 -14.442468      0 2.038629e-03 13
## 6 10 chr13      60 1.254119e-06   5.486114      0 2.107129e-03  9
##   mean_abs_corr quantile75 quantile90 quantile95       LEF     start
## 1     0.5381720  0.8033266  0.8477823  0.8527218 0.4666648  60316988
## 2     0.4990726  0.5700605  0.6927419  0.7018145 0.4030064   6793470
## 3     0.4100513  0.5532258  0.5841935  0.6194355 0.2823671 115481968
## 4     0.6866935  0.7368952  0.7532258  0.7586694 0.5626655   8278159
## 5     0.1754136  0.2375000  0.3781855  0.4601613 0.1626700 169661154
## 6     0.2822581  0.4420363  0.6066532  0.6816532 0.2566316  27559336
##         end  width
## 1  60364793  47806
## 2   6829879  36410
## 3 115685472 203505
## 4   8285754   7596
## 5 170020581 359428
## 6  27619224  59889

Of the 10081 clusters tested, 100 have a adjusted p-value < 0.05. Also, pi1=0.

Summary of cluster properties

# Histogram of LEF
ggplot(df_results, aes(LEF, fill=id)) + geom_histogram(alpha=0.7) + theme_bw(17) + xlim(0,1) + theme(aspect.ratio=1, legend.position="bottom", plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + scale_fill_discrete(name = "Requested mean cluster size") + xlab("Lead eigenvalue fraction (LEF)") + ggtitle("Summarize LEF")

# Histogram of mean absolute correlation
ggplot(df_results, aes(mean_abs_corr, fill=id)) + geom_histogram(alpha=0.7) + theme_bw(17) + xlim(0,1) + theme(aspect.ratio=1, legend.position="bottom", plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + scale_fill_discrete(name = "Requested mean cluster size") + xlab("Mean absolute correlation") + ggtitle("Summarize absolute correlation")

# Boxplot of number of features per cluster
ggplot(df_results, aes(id, N, fill=id)) + geom_boxplot() + theme_bw(17) + theme(aspect.ratio=1, legend.position="bottom", plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + scale_fill_discrete(name = "Feature per cluster") + xlab("Requested mean cluster size") + ylab("Number of features") + ggtitle("Summarize feature per cluster") + coord_flip()

Examine top clusters

figlist = lapply(1:50, function(i){
# extract peak ID's from most significant cluster
  peakIDs = getFeaturesInCluster( treeListClusters_collapse, df$chrom[i], df$cluster[i], df$id[i])
  # get location of peaks in this cluster  
  query = range(peakLocs2[names(peakLocs2) %in% peakIDs])

  # expand window to include adjacent clusters
  window = 1e5
  start(query) = start(query) - window
  end(query) = end(query) + window

  fig1 = plotDecorate( ensdb, treeList, treeListClusters_collapse, peakLocs2, query, data=quantResid[,metadata$CellType=='NeuN+'])

  fig2 = plotDecorate( ensdb, treeList, treeListClusters_collapse, peakLocs2, query, data=quantResid[,metadata$CellType=='NeuN-'])
  plot_grid( fig1, fig2, ncol=2, labels=c('A: CellType==NeuN+', 'B:  CellType==NeuN-') )

Region near KCND3

i = 30
peakIDs = getFeaturesInCluster( treeListClusters_collapse, df$chrom[i], df$cluster[i], df$id[i])
main = paste0(df$chrom[i], ': cluster ', df$cluster[i]) 
plotScatterPairs( vobj$E, peakIDs, metadata$CellType) + ggtitle(main)

Save results

loc = '/sc/orga/projects/psychencode/gabriel/decorate_analysis/bed/'

# all features
rtracklayer::export.bed( peakLocs2, paste0(loc, "EpiMap_all.bed"))
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
# background - only features consider in tests
featureNames_background = getFeaturesInClusterList( treeListClusters_collapse, chrom=df_results$chrom, clustID=df_results$cluster, id=df_results$id)
featureNames_background = unique(unlist(featureNames_background))
rtracklayer::export.bed( peakLocs2[featureNames_background], paste0(loc, "EpiMap_background.bed"))
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
# get significant peaks
idx = which(df_results$p.adjust < 0.05)
featureNames_signif = getFeaturesInClusterList( treeListClusters_collapse, chrom=df_results$chrom[idx], clustID=df_results$cluster[idx], id=df_results$id[idx])
featureNames_signif = unique(unlist(featureNames_signif))
rtracklayer::export.bed( peakLocs2[featureNames_signif], paste0(loc, "EpiMap_signif.bed"))
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
# get significant peaks - UP
idx = which(df_results$p.adjust < 0.05 & df_results$stat > 0)
featureNames_signif = getFeaturesInClusterList( treeListClusters_collapse, chrom=df_results$chrom[idx], clustID=df_results$cluster[idx], id=df_results$id[idx])
featureNames_signif = unique(unlist(featureNames_signif))
rtracklayer::export.bed( peakLocs2[featureNames_signif], paste0(loc, "EpiMap_signif_up.bed"))
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
# get significant peaks - DOWN
idx = which(df_results$p.adjust < 0.05 & df_results$stat < 0)
featureNames_signif = getFeaturesInClusterList( treeListClusters_collapse, chrom=df_results$chrom[idx], clustID=df_results$cluster[idx], id=df_results$id[idx])
featureNames_signif = unique(unlist(featureNames_signif))
rtracklayer::export.bed( peakLocs2[featureNames_signif], paste0(loc, "EpiMap_signif_down.bed"))
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'
## Found more than one class "DataFrame" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'S4Vectors'
## Also defined by 'PythonEmbedInR'